Cold Brew concentrate Recipe
Things you need:
Either a glass jar and Muslin cloth
Hario coffee pot or Plunger
100g Coffee ( Coarse grind)
500 mls cold water
1. Grind coffee beans and add to jar or Hario Coffee pot
2. Add the cold water and stir to incorporate
3. Steep the coffee covered overnight in the fridge,
min 12 hours, max 24 hours (15 hours is ideal)
4. Strain the coffee concentrate removing grinds
5. Transfer the cold brew to a clean jug, and store in fridge for up to 2 weeks
To serve add concentrate to water or tonic 1:2 ratio.
For the perfect Whisky Barrel aged cold brew
Mix together 1⁄2 cup of whisky barrel aged
cold brew concentrate and 1⁄2 cup of Water (still or sparkling). Stir in vanilla syrup to taste. Pour over ice. To take things to the next level, add a dram of Thomson’s Manuka Smoked Whisky. Serve and Enjoy.